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1.Chyuan IT, Tsai HF, Wu CS, Hsu PN. TRAIL suppresses gut inflammation and inhibits colitogenic T cell activation in experimental colitis via an apoptosis-independent pathway. Mucosal Immunol. 2019;12(4):980-989 (IF: 7.352)

2.Liao HJ, Tsai HF, Wu CS, Chyuan IT, Hsu PN. TRAIL inhibits RANK signaling and suppresses osteoclast activation via inhibiting lipid raft assembly and TRAF6 recruitment. Cell Death Dis. 2019;10(2):77. (IF: 5.638)

3.Chyuan IT, Chen JY. Role of Interleukin-(IL-)17 in the pathogenesis and targeted therapies in spondyloarthropathies. Mediators Inflamm. 2018;2018:2403935. (IF: 3.549)

4.Chyuan IT, Tsai HF, Wu CS, Sung CC, Hsu PN. TRAIL-mediated suppression of T cell receptor signaling inhibits T cell activation and inflammation in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Front Immunol. 2018;9:15. (IF: 6.429)

5.Chyuan IT, Hsu PN. Tumor necrosis factor: The key to hepatitis B viral clearance. Cell Mol Immunol. 2018;15(8):731-733. (IF: 7.551)

6.Yang NY, Wang CY, Chyuan IT, Wu KJ, Tu YK, Chang CW, Hsu PN, Kuo MY, Chen YW. Significant association of rheumatoid arthritis-related inflammatory markers with non-surgical periodontal therapy. J Formos Med Assoc. 2018;117(11):1003-1010. (IF: 2.452)

7.Chyuan IT, Tsai HF, Liao HJ, Wu CS, Hsu PN. An apoptosis-independent role of TRAIL in suppressing joint inflammation and inhibiting T cell activation in inflammatory arthritis. Cell Mol Immunol. 2018;15(9):846-857. (IF: 7.551)

8.Tsai HF, Wu CS, Chen YL, Liao HJ, Chyuan IT, Hsu PN. Galectin-3 suppresses mucosal inflammation and reduces disease severity in experimental colitis. J Mol Med (Berl). 2016;94(5):545-56 (IF: 4.938)

9.Wang CY, Chyuan IT, Wang YL, Kuo MY, Chang CW, Wu KJ, Hsu PN, Nagasawa T, Wara-Aswapati N, Chen YW. β2-glycoprotein I-dependent anti-CL antibodies associated with periodonitis in SLE patients. J Periodontol. 2015;86(8):995-1004. (IF: 3.392)

10.Chyuan IT, Tsai HF, Tzeng HT, Sung CC, Wu CS, Chen PJ, Hsu PN. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha blockage therapy impairs hepatitis B viral clearance and enhances T cell exhaustion in a mouse model. Cell Mol Immunol. 2015;12(3):317-25. (IF: 7.551)

11.Liao HJ*, Chyuan IT*, Wu CS, Lin SW, Chen KH, Tsai HF, Hsu PN. Increased neutrophil infiltration, IL-1 production and a SAPHO syndrome-like phenotype in PSTPIP2-deficient mice. Rheumatology. 2015;54(7):1317-26 (IF: 5.245) *: co-first author

12.Chyuan IT, Tsai TH, Chang TH, Wu CS. Ustekinumab treatment in a patient with psoriasis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus. 2015;24(6):650-1. (IF: 2.969)

13.Tzeng HT, Tsai HF, Chyuan IT, Liao HJ, Chen CJ, Chen PJ, Hsu PN. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha induced by hepatitis B virus core mediating the immune response for hepatitis B viral clearance in mice model. PLoS One. 2014;9(7):e103008. (IF: 2.766)

14.Wu CS, Hu CY, Tsai HF, Chyuan IT, Chan CJ, Chang SK, Hsu PN. Elevated serum level of growth arrest-specific protein 6 (Gas6) in systemic lupus erythematosus patients is associated with nephritis and cutaneous vasculitis. Rheumatol Int. 2014;34(5):625-9. (IF: 1.952)


1.Chyuan IT, Tsai HF, Hsu PN. An apoptosis-independent role of TRAIL mediates suppression of T cell activation and autoimmune inflammation in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis [Poster]. The Federation of Immunological Societies of Asia-Oceania Congress (FIMSA), Thailand, 2018

2.Chyuan IT, Tsai HF, Hsu PN. TRAIL suppresses joint inflammation and osteoclastogenesis through inhibiting activated T cell responses in inflammatory arthritis [Oral]. Cytokine Congress, Japan, 2017

3.Chyuan IT, Tsai HF, Hsu PN. An apoptosis-independent role of TRAIL in suppressing joint inflammation and inhibiting T cell activation in inflammatory arthritis [Oral]. The 16th TNF Superfamily Meeting. Singapore, 2017

4.Chyuan IT, Tsai HF, Hsu PN. Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) suppresses joint inflammation and bone erosion by inhibiting T cell activation in experimental arthritis [Oral]. The 16th International Congress of Immunology. Australia, 2016

5.Chyuan IT, Tsai HF, Hsu PN. TRAIL modulates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) by directly inhibiting myelin-specific T cells activation via TRAIL receptor signaling [Oral]. The Congress of the Chinese Society of Immunology. 2016

6.Chyuan IT, Tsai HF, Hsu PN. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha blockage therapy impairs hepatitis B viral clearance and enhances T-cell exhaustion in a mouse model [Poster]. The Congress of the Chinese Society of Immunology. 2015

7.Chyuan IT, Tsai HF, Hsu PN. Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) suppresses joint damage and protects against bone loss by inhibiting T cell activation and inflammation in experimental arthritis [Oral]. The Congress of the Chinese Society of Immunology. 2014

8.Chyuan IT, Liao HJ, Hsu PN. Neutrophil infiltration, increased IL-1 production and SAPHO syndrome-like phenotype in PSTPIP2 deficient mice [Poster]. The 15th International Congress of Immunology. Italy, 2013